I mostly agree that remote working is a positive but I don't think this is much of a rebuttal to Heath. Heath argues that metropolitan professionals will face more competition in employment and you say that they will indeed but it's good for the people they are competing with that they can now access the same labour markets without moving? I am being 100% flippant here, but isn't that like responding to an article warning antelopes against lions by saying that antelope need to see all this from the lion's point of view?

I am happy to acknowledge the net effect will be more winners than losers, but I can't see how there won't be plenty of losers, as Heath says.

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I also think much of the off shoring that could be done already has. Like you can outsource straight coding, but outsourcing the analysis part of software is harder. We outsourced the coding part a decade ago.

Companies I know have tried it and brought it back to the UK. Most programmers here are a mix of analyst and programmer.

Plus timezones. Your software fails at 4pm,your Indians and Vietnamese guys are putting on their pyjamas ;—>

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